Ordering a Bouquet
To help you order your bouquet, we’ve given examples below for a range of budgets.
Every bouquet we make is individual and made from the particular flowers we have in the shop that day. The below are for a guide to size and style only, not specific flowers.
Once you have in mind what you would like simply give us a call to place your order on 07825 795 340
We are available 9am - 5pm Monday to Saturday. We can deliver to Hungerford and some of the surrounding villages. This will either be same day or next day (excluding Sundays).
Tips for easy ordering….!
1) Have to hand the name, telephone number and address details for your recipient
2) Have your payment card ready
£30 Bouquet
A combination of seasonal stems, with greenery, in either pastels and whites or bright, richer colours, let us know which you would prefer when ordering.
£50 Bouquet
Like the £30 arrangement but bigger! These can container some larger heads, such as hydrangeas and lilies if you would like. Again let us know colour palette when ordering.
Call 07825 795 340 to order your bouquet
Bouquet in a Vase
For those wanting to spend a little more, we recommend a bouquet in a vase. It has serious impact and makes it beautifully simple for your recipient!